Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What's Up Wednesday? Randoms - That's What!

Anyone else have a series of random thoughts and experiences traveling through your mind daily? Would you consider them distractions? Or perhaps insightful, poignant thoughts from your amazing mind? I’ll go with both. J I usually need a mid week mind cleanse to get a few things out and make room for what’s going to happen next. That, and it’s becoming difficult to have a conversation with my husband without a 7 year old interjecting her comments. And, I’m pretty sure that he already thinks I’m crazy. If I share some of these things out loud, my craziness will be confirmed and it’s way too soon in our relationship (of 15 years) for that to happen. Thus, this exciting list of random thoughts is presented to you. Enjoy!


1.      There is a commercial advertising the upcoming 19 kids and Counting wedding that has Michelle Duggar commenting, “Where did the time go. I blinked and here we are.” Um, where did the time go? Is this a serious question? You are aware that you have 19 kids, right? I’m pretty sure that’s where the time went.


2.      Hey Bruno Mars - love your music but I must ask – gorillas? Really? Gorillas is the best you could come up with when describing an intimate encounter? Because, sure, when I think about making love, I immediately think of the calm, romantic passionate atmosphere that GORILLAS provide. I’ll take your word for it though, no need to google National Geographic. Thanks though.


3.      Why is it that only babies are allowed to have rapid fire mood swings? All I know is when I go from screaming hysterically to giggling in 0.32 seconds, it is NOT okay. What gives?


4.      I hardcore judged a mom at the library this weekend. Whoops. Her toddler kids were running around the library like it was a playground. The librarian even reprimanded them, directed them to stop and then asked “where are your parents”. A few minutes later the little girl was climbing on the seating area we were in. Her mom walks over and spanked her hard, with no warning, because she was on the furniture. Hey mom, where were you 20 minutes ago when they were running around all willy nilly having a grand time? Really? You think spanking her because you are not enforcing the rules is the best you can do? Last I checked, my kids are my responsibility. Last I checked again, the public library is not always filled with nice, well-meaning people. Watch your kids please – don’t make it too easy for horrible people to scoop up unattended children.


5.      I googled something for my husband this weekend. The page came up with this at the beginning of the article: “Warning: this page has issues”. Pretty sure this should be a sign I wear every day. You know, just as a fair warning before I open my mouth and speak. J


6.      Baby smiles and baby giggles are probably the best invention ever in the history of ever. If you don’t smile when you see/hear either, see above. Maybe you need a “warning: this page has issues” sign as well.


7.      In the market for a new kitchen sink? Please let me recommend our magic sink! This fantastic sink has two brilliant magic tricks. One, once all dishes are emptied and you turn your back (saying abracadabra is optional, but fun), ta-da! It magically fills up again with more dishes! *on a side note, if you are the husband of a wife who lovingly cooks nourishing meals for you and your family while using multiple dishes and utensils, and while juggling a second grader doing homework and a climbing, fussy baby, please refrain from asking where all of the dishes came from. If too many dishes will be a problem, please refrain from cleaning the kitchen at all. Thanks but no thanks. This may or may not be directed to anyone in particular that resides in our household. Love you!* Two, this sink has an amazing magical, magnetic capability that can enable dishes to vacate the sink and take up residence on the counter beside the sink. Why must the dishes hang out in the empty sink when they can just chill on the counter beside the empty sink. Magic!


8.      There must be a secret device embedded within a cell phone that makes the 10 month old baby you are holding wiggle uncontrollably while you are typing a text or making a phone call. Looks like mom is texting, time to practice my daredevil stunts! Let’s see how close she comes to dropping me this time…. *I know, you might be thinking, why doesn’t she put down the phone and pay attention to her baby? I get it, I do. But, when the only adult interaction you have during the day is texting random, sarcastic, witty momisms with your sisterinlaw, you basically have no choice. That and because drinking wine while you are caring for an infant is frowned upon…


9.      My 10 month old talks gibberish. A lot. While kneeling. With his eyes closed. And his hands in the air. Should I be concerned if an abundance of snakes appear? I haven’t quite figured out the powers in this boy yet…..


10.   My favorite line in the song “All about that Bass” is when the background sings “booty, booty”. I may not know the rest of the song, but I am there for booty booty. Pretty sure that booty booty is now on my list of some of the most awesomely fun words to say ever.


Whew! Thanks for letting me get those out! Have your own? Feel free to comment and share your own random thoughts! After all, a mid week mind cleanse is a necessity for your sanity….and it might help me feel more normal. Just sayin. Celebrate your randomness. It keeps life fun. Y



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