Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What's Up Wednesday? Randoms - That's What!

Anyone else have a series of random thoughts and experiences traveling through your mind daily? Would you consider them distractions? Or perhaps insightful, poignant thoughts from your amazing mind? I’ll go with both. J I usually need a mid week mind cleanse to get a few things out and make room for what’s going to happen next. That, and it’s becoming difficult to have a conversation with my husband without a 7 year old interjecting her comments. And, I’m pretty sure that he already thinks I’m crazy. If I share some of these things out loud, my craziness will be confirmed and it’s way too soon in our relationship (of 15 years) for that to happen. Thus, this exciting list of random thoughts is presented to you. Enjoy!


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Writing 101 (or why I have a strange desire to share my feeeeeelings all over the Internet)

Now that I’ve made a personal commitment to writing and posting more on the blog, I figure I should probably take a step back and reevaluate my purpose.  That seems to be my task at hand lately – trying to focus and get it together, on this blog and pretty much in every facet of my reality. And in the process of juggling, I don’t know, LIFE, I’ve had to consider why I think I need to pour out my soul to the wise and wonderful internets. Because evidently I need to add one more thing to my to do list... (or perhaps I’m pensive because I’m trying to avoid all of the work that I really need to be doing right now…..) In any case, let’s chat a bit about why I (want to) write.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Loving and Genuine Letter Celebrating the Magical Wonderfulness of Teething…

Dear Pearly White Precious New Baby Tooth,
Good Morning. And afternoon, evening, middle of the night – because you are with us all.the.time. While we eagerly anticipate your arrival and appreciate your plans to propel our son from gummy, toothless babyhood to piranha-esque chomping toddler town, please consider the following words of encouragement.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Finding Hope During October's Sea of Pink

October is Breast Cancer month, a time for us to reflect upon and pay special attention to those affected by breast cancer. Sometimes I can’t help but get a little bit, I don’t know, frustrated? Slighted? When everyone is calling for stories of survivors, or accounts of those who are battling breast cancer now, I get a little selfish. We should absolutely pay our respects and celebrations to them, but what about those who fought the good fight and moved on to greener pastures? Rarely do you see celebrations of stories about those who have suffered and lost at the hands of cancer. Instead, we tend look to those stories with pity and sadness.

Traditionally we consider someone alive or a survivor as one who is living and breathing among us. But I disagree.